Vision & Mission

UAS Vision & Mission

UAS Vision

“Support the transformation of the world into a harmonious social, economic and natural environment for the benefit of all.”

All members of UAS, individuals and organizations (non-profits, businesses and civic institutions), share a vision of a more sustainable, healthy, vibrant, thriving world. Heretofore, we have been activated and engaged in projects, each focused on a one or more particular aspects of a sustainable world. UAS is helping integrate all our activites so that we can all remember that we share a common vision and become more effective in realizing it.

UAS Mission

“Inspire and integrate the sustainability movement in San Francisco Bay Area into an alliance to increase the effectiveness of the collective effort.”

UAS intends to always provide a platform for those solutions that are successfully manifesting the shared vision of a more sustainable world. By returning focus on the solutions, UAS hopes to activate the energy of those individuals and organizations that are feeling overwhelmed or helpless in this currently unsustainable world. UAS wants to engage with you and hear what is important to you!

Additionally, UAS takes a whole-systems approach to advance the sustainability movement by integrating activities where possible for improved efficacy and efficiency.

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Upcoming events
Thu, Feb 01
Energy Auditing Course
Mon, Feb 26
GreenUP Consultant Training
